Thursday, September 28, 2006

Art Concept Photography

Blind Camera Lets You Take Other People's Pictures
This art project by Sascha Pohflepp combines a Sony Ericsson k750i with a black case to let you take other people's pictures. The design works by recording what time you click the button to "take" a picture, then later on connects to the internet to scope out shots other people took with that same timestamp.

It takes a few hours/days for people to upload their pictures, so you won't be seeing anything instantly. But it's kind of neat, in a voyeuristic way, to what other people were up to when you were out being a dork using a camera that doesn't really work.

Now This is Hot Photography

A good photograph is both expressive and imaginative. This is both, in spades and with a big extra measure of SPROING tossed in for good measure.

Its sexy without being trashy (or overly trashy) and damned if I don't just love it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Not much to add here, I just think this is a pretty nice picture of a flower.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Nande Air Flop

Because it needs to be posted again from time to time, just to remind myself why I so thoroughly love my dog. She's gotten alot bigger since this was taken but her playfulness and fun hasn't diminished in the least.

She's a wonderful companion and friend and I wish I could more easily spend my days playing with her and my two boys.
