Monday, August 21, 2006

Beating the Heat

Down the way from our hotel was this impromptu waterpark and this little boy was having tons of fun playing in the water. I wish we could have joined him since Reno is so hot and dry. It was nice to get home our evening fog and chill! And Grady really wanted to join him but was such a good listener when I told him that we couldn't!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Another Coolio Widget from Flagrant Disregard

My friend I found this on thinks she's out of the loop because its been out for a bit now. But I'm so far out of the loop, I couldn't even tell you which direction the loop is in. Oh well, that's what kids, a commute and a lot of work will do for your in-looped-ness.

Better later than never though!

Johnny Huh. Get yours at

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Cute Goes to 11!

And some days his cute even goes to 12. My little boy is just too darned wonderful for words sometimes.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Of Course Its All About Him

From today's shopping/fun trip south to Monterey and CostCo. We went to Dennis the Menace Park in Monterey and had a blast there. Its a great park with all kinds of neat stuff for kids to play on, climb up, slide down and explore. They even have a little maze for the kids to explore in!

The moment I saw this metal tunnel with the slide off of it, I knew it would be a cool spot to snap some pics of my little boy. And I was right.

We had a great day, the last before I start back to work tomorrow morning. I will miss all of the extra time I've had with my family in this time off. But I will really enjoy having a paycheck coming in again!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Pressure and time can break anything. An important thing to keep in mind when shit is getting you down, its just a question of how long you can hold out. Long enough to stand back up or not long enough and you get pancaked.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Learning How to Laugh

Sullivan at eleven weeks and learning how to laugh. He's a sweet little boy with a great smile. And his older brother loves him every night, he gives him kisses on his forehead and smiles from ear to ear.

I know it'll be some time before he starts rolling over and then sitting up and then standing up and walking. But I also know that the time between now and then will pass in the blink of an eye.

So I will make sure to capture as many of these moments as I can with my camera's eye.